Geist in the Classroom

To teach­ers of writ­ing, pub­lish­ing and kin­dred sub­jects:

Bring Geist mag­a­zine into your class­room, for FREE.
Email to request free copies of Geist—print, digital or both!

Geist—a smart, funny quar­terly mag­a­zine made in Canada—is an ideal teach­ing tool. Students and other emerg­ing writ­ers and artists find inspi­ra­tion in our great vari­ety of fic­tion, poetry, dis­patches, essays, arti­cles, life writ­ing, reviews and rants, any­where from 100 to 5,000 words long—as well as pho­tog­ra­phy, draw­ings, comix, puz­zles and curiosa of all sorts.

If you are a teacher of writ­ing, com­po­si­tion, lit­er­a­ture, pub­lish­ing or any kin­dred sub­ject, you can get FREE copies of Geist for you and your stu­dents—no strings, no spam—just by ask­ing for them. The program is paid for by our generous sponsor, Simon Fraser University Continuing Studies: The Writer's Studio.

Geist is always look­ing for new writ­ers and readers.
Teachers are always look­ing for good readings.
Geist in the Classroom puts us together.

Email to request FREE copies of Geist—print, digital or both!

 “Geist is an inspi­ra­tion to the stu­dents in my cre­ative non-fiction writ­ing classes. They’re  thrilled — with the pub­li­ca­tion itself, and with the clear invi­ta­tion to publish. Thanks from all of us!”
—Kate Braid, Malaspina University College, Nanaimo, BC

Geist brings us fine Canadian writ­ing and pho­tog­ra­phy along with its won­der­fully idio­syn­cratic mag­a­zine cul­ture — close enough to the stu­dents that they might just be trans­formed by it.”
—Dr. Janice Williamson, English & Film Studies, University of Alberta