Michael Hayward's Blog

VIFF notes: “Do I look like Wallace Shawn?”

Michael Hayward

As I was waiting for tickets late Wednesday in front of the Empire Theatre, I glanced up from the book I was reading. Noticed someone walking slowly along the line in my general direction, and then past.

Not quite sure that I'd seen what I thought I'd seen, I turned and asked the guy behind me: "Did that look like Wallace Shawn to you?" Caught him just as he was pulling out his cell phone. "Can you hold my place in line?" and then he was gone; back a few minutes later: "That made my day; made my year!"

Jeremy Sabo is his name. "Friends have always said: 'You look just like Wallace Shawn'; so I told him this, and asked if he minded me taking a picture of the two of us together. And as soon as he spoke I knew it really was Wallace Shawn." Inconceivable...

I got Jeremy to send me his photo for this posting. It is a perfect illustration of how the real world occasionally overlaps with the "reel" world. And if they ever green-light a bio-pic of Wallace Shawn, I'd say that Jeremy has a lock on playing the younger Shawn.



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