
A Date With Destiny: Night of a Thousand Boyfriends

Jill Boettger

Just five pages into A Date With Destiny: Night of a Thousand Boyfriends by Miranda Clarke (Quirk Books), I can’t decide whether to go to a hotel with an importer/exporter named Chaz, or ditch Chaz and go dancing at Club Neptune with a woman named Danni. This is such a big decision. Will I find true love? Will I find myself in hospital with an std? Will I be abducted by aliens and crowned Queen of Planet Neptune? Will I skulk home to my roommate Marcy only to find her cuddled up on our living room sofa with John Cusack? Or should I have accepted the dinner invitation I had earlier in the evening, and possibly fallen for a handsome bartender after outrunning restaurant bandits on a stolen motorcycle? Romance is tricky business. I don’t know what to do.

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Jill Boettger

Jill Boettger writes poetry and nonfiction from her home in Calgary, where she lives with her husband and two kids. She teaches in the Department of English, Languages and Cultures at Mount Royal University and is a frequent contributor to Geist.


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