

Mindy Abramowitz

Bust magazine is dedicated to giving voice to the generation of women caught between Cosmo and Sassy. It is also font-crazy and printed on smudgy newsprint. But editors Celina Hex and Betty Boob are doing something right to ensure that their zine stands out. With each new issue, Bust takes another step upmarket. The Sex issue garnered fan mail from media celebs Bill Buford and Susie Bright, and a glowing review in UTNE Reader. Meanwhile, the covers keep getting glossier. Every issue has a theme. In the Winter/Spring number it was "My Life as a Girl." First person accounts of cheerleader tryouts, outgrowing suicide, bitchy best friends and a range of other girlhood experiences round out an articulate and honest edition. Bust's only shortcoming is the overabundant use of pseudonyms by its contributors. Number 7 is on men and should be available shortly.

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Emily Chou

My Dad's Brother

(Or What Does Drowning Look Like).


Rocks in a Hard Place

Review of "A Field Guide to Gold, Gemstone & Mineral Sites of British Columbia, Volume Two: Sites within a Day’s Drive of Vancouver" by Rick Hudson.

David M. Wallace

Red Flags

The maple leaf no longer feels like a symbol of national pride.