More often than not, other people's typos make for good fun, and can be the source of some good ol' contemplatin'.
The genius of this particular sign is the ambiguity in interpretation. It is left to the reader (and potential customer) to decide who is the scorner and who the scornee.
I can see the advantage of the inanimate cheese as scornee at which one might vent an accumulation of disdain and contempt before starting your day in a world so full of argument and consequence.
On the other hand, I can also see the benefits of seeing the cheese as scorner, a confessor of sorts to whom one could disclose shameful behaviour and be scorned – thus attaining some small form of absolution. Or a large one. Depending on the cheese.
Furthermore, either of these scenarios may be requested with a muffin instead. Imagine the shame in disappointing such a sweetly soft and forgiving pastry.