Patty Osborne's Blog

Greatest Dreams

Patty Osborne

The new chapbook from the Writers' Exchange promises to reveal it's contributors, (elementary school kids) greatest dreams, but some of the stories sounded more like nightmares: scary stuff!

We got some relief from our nervous laughter by the princes, princesses and candies in other stories and in one section are very short stories that had to use words from titles of the Giller nominees: words like imposter and rue. Not that easy to do.

This was the second time I had taken in the launch of a new chapbook by the kids from the Writers' Exchange and while the participants were just as excited and enthusiastic as the first time I heard them read, they were a lot more accustomed to the process and many of them were reading along with whoever was at the mic. Since one of the goals of the Writers' Exchange is to get kids reading and writing, this was an accomplishment.

For an inspiring talk by the founder of the Writers' Exchange on where she got the idea and how she's going about realizing one of her greatest dreams, follow this link.

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