The Stan Rogers Blog

Light of the Nation


I have always thought his “Northwest Passage” should be the national anthem of this country. Every time we drive west through the mountains I sing it as loud as I can. And, who has not been inspired by the Mary Ellen Carter rising again? I saw Stan once, back in rocky Mountain House, Alberta, in the summer of 1980; he was part of a travelling show that featured Sylvia Tyson, Kathy Fink and Duck Donald, amongst a score of others. The highlight of that night for me was Stan—I was certain a light was glowing from inside that substantial body. His energy and voice and heart were mesmerizing. thank you for spearheading the campaign to have him knighted.

—Billie Gates



Kris Rothstein's Blog
Kris Rothstein

VIFF 2019: MODES 1

A collection of experimental short films encourages immersion in image and sound.
Geist news

Winners of the 15th Annual Literal Literary Postcard Story Contest!

Announcing the winners of the 15th Annual Literal Literary Postcard Story Contest!
Michael Hayward's Blog
Michael Hayward

VIFF 2019: "Lunana: A Yak in the Classroom"

A young Bhutanese teacher, wrestling with his commitment to that career, is sent to the remote Himalayan village of Lunana, to fulfill the final year of his contract.