The Stan Rogers Blog



Being a fan and supporter of Canadian music, I find that listening to Stan Rogers reaffirms my love and the constitution of Canadian troubadours. I find in our young people the same affection, when they are introduced to the music. There is nothing like going into a obscure small bar in your home town, and finding a group of young men belting out “Barrets Privateers,” with gusto and reverence, or seeing what is playing in the tape deck of their beaters, as they sail through their lives. Yes, not only does he reach our lives, but I feel he will be reaching through the history of this lands music for many years to come.

—Margaret Evans



Kris Rothstein's Blog
Kris Rothstein

VIFF 2019: MODES 1

A collection of experimental short films encourages immersion in image and sound.
Geist news

Winners of the 15th Annual Literal Literary Postcard Story Contest!

Announcing the winners of the 15th Annual Literal Literary Postcard Story Contest!
Michael Hayward's Blog
Michael Hayward

VIFF 2019: "Lunana: A Yak in the Classroom"

A young Bhutanese teacher, wrestling with his commitment to that career, is sent to the remote Himalayan village of Lunana, to fulfill the final year of his contract.