
Canadian Notes and Queries

Geist Staff

Curmudgeons of a more bibliophiliac bent should be subscribing to Canadian Notes and Queries, a fascinating magazine of little-known facts of interest that Doug Fetherling took over a few years ago with the intention of broadening its range and its readership. It still contains real notes and queries of the research variety: for example, a note on Susanna Moodie and nonconformism, a request for Canadian references in movies made outside Canada, a note on Tillson Lever Harrison, a Canadian physican and adventurer known as a "rival Bethune," a brief memoir of George McDonach, craft printer. But Fetherling has added a good book review section (he ran the Kingston Whig-Standard book pages during their heyday) and is on the lookout for longer articles, such as the delightful account by Edmund Carpenter (in No. 46) of his early magazine publishing days with Marshall McLuhan. Fetherling sees CNQ as an all Canadian version of Brick (another magazine worthy of note). You can get back issues of CNQ for $5., or subscribe for $16.5 a year, by writing to Box 367, Station F, Toronto M4Y 2L8.

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Marriage on the Download

If marriage was a television show, it might look something like this.

Jennilee Austria


That’s one for the rice bag!

Patty Osborne

Teenaged Boys, Close Up

Review of "Sleeping Giant" directed by Andrew Cividino and written by Cividino, Blain Watters and Aaron Yeger.