
K to 7

Véronique Darwin

Journal entries written from kindergarten through grade seven.


We heard a phone call on the baby monitor. I think it was ghosts.

My sister told me that at my house the witch comes up the stairs at 6:36.

Stuff that starts with T: tabule, tabe, twane, thyo, tlgo, tadrle, talt, tv, the, through, too, to, tehs, trees, tall.

I used to cry for my mom but now I do not. I’m strong.


For her birthday I got my mom a flowerpot. My sister got her some soup, things that melt in the bath and a tape of Celine Dion. My daddy got her Umbro shorts. When we came home, mommy stepped on some dog poo, then my sister and I wrapped the presents.

I wanted to type on the typewriter. My sister said I was only allowed if I gave her some gum, so I did. I wrote four lines, then my mommy called me to have a bath. I went to my room to get some clean underpants. After my bath, I begged to play a bit more. Mommy gave in, so I did six more lines before I had to go to bed.

I wish I could meet Nick Carter from the Backstreet Boys. I want to have a boy who likes me. What month will I meet my dream boy? Marry?


My sister is going to skip cooking class to go see this cute guy who she thinks is Australian. He works at a store downtown and if you kiss him you get a discount. Will she do it? I’m scared of her when she comes back from downtown.

Wow! Daddy turned on the TV!

What I want for my birthday: a movie of the twins Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen, the book of the movie Toy Story, a tiny house for Playmobils (I will find room), Jason David Frank, Jason David Frank, Jason David Frank.

Spying look outs: Window A (upstairs, my room), Window B (upstairs, hallway), Window C (middle floor, screen door), Window D (downstairs, laundry room). Suspects: Laura (baby), Danielle (toddler).


I very much hope someone will invite me to the grade four dance.

Mikey danced with me! He said he would either rap dance with me or do the tango.

My report card said I had four things to improve on. Oh well.

We had an end-of-the-year sleepover at Lucy’s and we stayed up until four in the morning! My three friends and I started a band called The Crazy Teenagers. Here are our songs: “You and Me,” “Sitting on the Moon,” “Chick on Either Side,” “All I Really Really Want.” When I came back home I was so tired I couldn’t do anything.

I threw up twice tonight. I threw up first on the floor and Mama cleaned it up. Then I did it in the bowl and on the washcloth (oops!). Mama cleaned that up, then I fell asleep.


I promised myself I’d be really fair and nice to all my friends today, but I think I forgot my promise. I am going to do that tomorrow, from the minute I wake up until forever.

I found out today that I’m not afraid to admit to loving Mikey.

Tomorrow I’m going to ask Miss Jones if I can be put more near the front because I can’t see the board that well. I think I might need glasses.

Karen and I went to Fraser’s house and we called Mikey. He didn’t know I was there, but Fraser put him on speakerphone. Mikey said, “I want to be stuck on an airplane alone with her.”


Today was one of the worst days of my life. The principal told us that our teacher is leaving. I took a sip from my water bottle to try and hide my feelings, but I started crying anyways. What does she mean? Will she ever explain? Why did she leave? And will she please come back? I don’t think I’ll ever want to go to school again.

My friends and I decided that this is all the principal’s fault. We have to take the blame off ourselves.

Now that Lucas likes me, I am a part of the Truth or Dare gang.

Stop saying: um, like and right.

It’s 9: p.m. and my dad says it’s too late to read. Yeah, right! I want to read and get my brain off of concentrating on MY life.

I should make a T-shirt that has a shocked face on it and says “Help, God, What Am I Looking At?”

Tomorrow I’m going to wear my new shoes. They’re actually my sister’s old high-heeled jellies.

I didn’t get out of my tank top and boxers today. I watched wrestling, ate a Fudgsicle, played The Yukon Trail and did a lice check for camp (none).


I want to be a woman. Sometimes sporty, but not really sporty, but I don’t want to suck at sports.

I started reading Hatchet. It’s a good book. I also read a book earlier today: Why Just Me? by Martyn Godfrey. It’s about puberty and stuff!

I went to Hooters with my sister and her friends. It was not as slutty as I thought.

Tonight at Mama’s friend Valerie’s house, we sat around outside on their glider for the evening. I had some tea and lay in the hammock looking up at the stars. It made me realize how incredibly humongous this universe is, and how small I am compared to it.


DARE lets me stare at hottie Constable Mason’s face for an hour.

New Year’s Eve at Jessica’s was the best. At midnight we had champagne. Jessica’s brother put on some fast music, turned the lights off, and we danced for six or seven songs straight. He then put on a slow song and Danny, the sixteen-year-old, asked me to dance. It was okay, but he was sort of smelly, like perfume.

Rachel’s dad came in to talk to us about geothermal energy (yawn). But after lunch we had sex ed!

The Mole: I have no idea who the mole is!?!?!

We visited our high school for next year. We (well, at least I) tried to act mature enough.

This girl from the elementary school down the block is going to court on Sunday because she egged some guy who called her a bad name. Teagan asked: “egged a guy with what?”

I met a girl named Marisse. She told me about how she was adopted, how she was really religious, and how her best friend and cousin are dying of cancer. She was nice, but very deep.

Daddy and I went for a bike ride this morning. I’d like to find a place where I can just pedal on and on without ever having to stop. Maybe someday I will.

No items found.

Véronique Darwin

Véronique Darwin’s stories have appeared in Geist and other publications. She lives in Toronto and is working on a novel and a screenplay.


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