
Concise Columbia Encyclopedia

Daniel Francis

Every desk requires a desk encyclopedia and for several years mine held the admirable Concise Columbia Encyclopedia (Columbia University Press). My old copy was getting tattered from overuse, the covers torn, the pages fraying at the corners, so I asked for a new one. My son obliged me with the Third Edition.

On Boxing Day I took it for a test run and it passed with flying colours, providing me with the rules of rummy, the correct spelling of Zbigniew Brzezinski and an explanation for the strange behaviour of Norwegian lemmings.

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Daniel Francis

Daniel Francis is a writer and historian. He is the author of two dozen books, including The Imaginary Indian: The Image of the Indian in Canadian Culture (Arsenal Pulp Press). He lives in North Vancouver. Read more of his work at


Michael Hayward

Wanda x 3

Review of "Wanda" written and directed by Barbara Loden, "Suite for Barbara Loden" by Nathalie Léger, translated by Natasha Lehrer and Cécile Menon and "Wanda" by Barbara Lambert.

Stephen Henighan

Collateral Damage

When building a nation, cultural riches can be lost.

Jonathan Heggen

The Common Shaman

Review of "Shaman" by Kim Stanley Robinson.