
Something Drastic

Patty Osborne

Something Drastic by Colleen Curran (Goose Lane) found its way to the cabin because I was tired of reading serious books. This is not a new book (it came out in 1995) so I must have missed it the first time around, but it is funny and refreshing. In Chapter One, which opens with the headline "Man Killed By Turnip Thrown From Car," we gradually become aware that the hero, Lenore, is writing to her long-term live-in boyfriend, who has taken off for Florida. She includes the newspaper article that goes along with this headline because she can't help deluding herself that something terrible has happened to her lost love; otherwise he would have written to tell her when he'd be back. But all he's left is a post office box as his for

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David M. Wallace

Red Flags

The maple leaf no longer feels like a symbol of national pride.

Emily Chou

My Dad's Brother

(Or What Does Drowning Look Like).

Kris Rothstein

Dogs and the Writing Life

Review of "And a Dog Called Fig: Solitude, Connection, the Writing Life" by Helen Humphreys.