


Benito like the oaf he wasinvaded Greece and got defeatedat Himarra and numerous othertowns along the Albanian roadby evzones, kilted and carrying bagpipeslike the shepherds of Epirus,their girlfriends steadfastly at their sidefeeding them ammo and rolling their smokes.So Adolf decided to demonstrateto the dimwitted Duce how easy it wasto add a new country to his list.But British intelligence intercepted his planand strange planes appeared in the Athenian sky:Olivia Manning said the sightwas so fantastically futuristicshe thought the war was over and anentire lifetime had elapsed.The planes were British Spitfires.And now a lifetime has really elapsed.Olivia Manning died in her seventieseighteen years ago and we who were mere infants when Adolfand Benito roared like bulls in springtimeare getting grey and meditative.We used to rock around the clockbut now we walk around the block.Today for instance I managed to mowall two acres of Jane's lawnthen raked the cuttings and deposited themin her monstrous compost heap.In the morning there'll be heavymists and bleeding hearts, my handshappily blistered and bandaged.But when the mists lift we'll beholdthe most beautiful lawn of the century.



David McFadden served as guest editor for the Geist Haiku Night in Canada contest (No. 25). His published works include An Innocent in Newfoundland, An Innocent in Scotland, An Innocent in Ireland and Great Lakes Suite. He lives in Toronto. Spitfires was printed in Geist 43.


Toby Sharpe


I don’t know where a person can go when they disappear, apart from underwater.


Young Earle Birney in Banff: September 1913¹

what a day!at the Basin2 dove from the tufa overhanginto the water, playing my trick ofseeming to drown, not coming up until I finish wrigglingthrough that underwater chimneyand burst into air. always startles the tourists.


Zamboni Driver’s Lament

i know hate, its line-mates. believe me. you kids have, i’m sure, wasted—all early morning anxious and weak-ankled—their first impatient shuffle-kicks and curses on me.