
Tea Has Been


From Don’t Let It End Like This Tell Them I Said Something. Published by ECW Press in 2014. Paul Vermeersch is a poet, editor and teacher. His work has been a finalist for the Gerald Lampert Memorial Award, the K.M. Hunter Artist Award and the Trillium Book Award. He lives in Toronto.

Filter Robert Frost’s “The Road Not Taken” through several random languages in free translation software, and then back into English.

Call it “Tea Has Been.”

Twice, leaving the yellow tree,

I’m sorry, I cannot move.

And to the passenger, long will I stay for a while


For where a band can keep weed

After the concert, with the excdeption of

Some necessities, and it cannot be

That this is grass, and it’s all used up.


That this isn’t exactly the same thing and the price is too,

And in the morning also, and

The leaves are.

Oh, I kept the first day once!

When you know how to do it,

I’ll be back, no doubt about it.

I say this with a sigh,

Forever after.

Two roads diverged in a wood, and I,

I have travelled a little.

What’s the difference.

No items found.


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