
Alberto Manguel

Alberto Manguel examines the rich symbology of the fist, a primal symbol of rebellion and grief, across cultures and history.

Daniel Francis
The Artist as Coureur de Bois

Tom Thomson, godfather of the Group of Seven, drowned in an Ontario lake under mysterious circumstances, and ever since, his reputation has been the stuff of legend.

Michał Kozłowski
The Posthuman Dada Guide: Tzara & Lenin Play Chess

“Adopt a reading pseudonym” is but one piece of advice offered in The Posthuman Dada Guide: Tzara & Lenin Play Chess by Andrei Codrescu, reviewed by Michal Kozlowski.

Barry Till
Snapshot Art

A collection of export paintings, created as souvenirs for Western tourists by Chinese painters who adopted Western painting techniques.

The Posthuman Dada Guide: Tzara & Lenin Play Chess
Alberto Manguel
Observer and Observed

Alberto Manguel reflects on art as a witness to the human desire to be infinite and eternal.

Sheila Heti
Off the Pedestal

Rick laughed. I walked away. I was irritated at Henry, at Lee for getting stoned and being paranoid and leaving without saying goodbye, at Rick, at everyone.

Michael Hayward
Fine Art in Lockdown

Michael Hayward on Félix Fénéon and the exhibits unseen during COVID-19.

Cut-Out Lit

Kelsea O'Connor reviews Tree of Codes by Jonathan Safran Foer (Visual Editions).

Francois-Marc Gagnon
Among the Curious

Francois-Marc Gagnon explores curiosity as the opposite of indifference.

M.A.C. Farrant
Selected Days

On Dorothy Parker Day we wear wool suits and little hats, smoke with cigarette holders and have a liver-coloured dachshund on a lead.

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