

S. K. Page

Civilizations (Key Porter) is a great big book by Felipe Fernandez-Armesto, author of Millennium: A History of Our Last Thousand Years, and clearly a writer undaunted by great themes, such as how the generations of human beings all over the planet and through all of human time have changed the earth around them and called it civilization. Merely as a triumph of non-urban-centrism, this is a tour de force. Here is the rise and the fall of cultures, of civilizations, given without the usual assumptions that the culture of the West is the result or the nemesis of an evolutionary progression. The book provides good complementary reading to Hugh Brody’s The Other Side of Eden (featured in Geist No. 39).

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Christine Lai

Now Must Say Goodbye

The postcard presents a series of absences—the nameless photographer,

the unknown writer and recipient; it is constituted by what is unknown

Stephen Henighan

Collateral Damage

When building a nation, cultural riches can be lost.

Michael Hayward

A Russian Brother and his sister

Review of "A Russian Sister" by Caroline Adderson.