

Kris Rothstein

The male characters in Mary-Lou Zeitoun’s 13 (Porcupine’s Quill) include a guidance counsellor who takes nude photos of his adolescent pupils and a music teacher who thinks “drums are not for girls.” No wonder Marnie, the thirteen-year-old protagonist, hates men. She also hates school, her parents and her suburban Ottawa home. Life takes a turn for the better when Marnie discovers punk, although she soon learns that punk boys can be just as gross as regular men. Marnie’s rotating cast of best friends, her blasé responses to being hit on by weird guys and her crusade to achieve equality for girls make her one of the most realistic teenagers committed to paper. 13 doesn’t include any phony nostalgia, clumsy slang or fake angst; it’s the real deal.

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Emily Chou

My Dad's Brother

(Or What Does Drowning Look Like).

Stephen Henighan

In Search of a Phrase

Phrase books are tools of cultural globalization—but they are also among its casualties.

Daniel Francis

Future Imperfect

Review of "The Premonitions Bureau " by Sam Knight.


The 19th Annual Literal Literary Postcard Story Contest

The writing contest whose name is almost as long as the entries! Deadline is May 20, 2024.


The 19th Annual Literal Literary Postcard Story Contest

The writing contest whose name is almost as long as the entries! Deadline is May 20, 2024.