
Cat Book

Kris Rothstein

I thought Cat Book by Emily Eve Weinstein (Beau Soleil) would be a collection of too cute stories about people and their cats, but I soon learned not to be fooled by the easy beauty of Weinstein’s cat paintings, which dot the pages, or by the text itself, short accounts of devotion and purpose beyond that of run-of-the-mill pet owners. The cat-loving people Weinstein writes about are advocates who rescue abused animals, make city life easier for felines and tackle the problem of feral animals. Their stories are an insight into the effectiveness of ordinary people and their invisible heroics.

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Michael Hayward

Vanishing Career Paths

Review of "The Last Bookseller: A Life in the Rare Book Trade" by Gary Goodman, and "A Factotum in the Book Trade" by Marius Kociejowski.

Mazzy Sleep

Heart Medicine

"You have bruises / There was time / You spent trying to / Heal them. / As in, time wasted."

Sara Graefe

My Summer Behind the Iron Curtain

No Skylab buzz in East Germany.